James Elkins

James Elkins

After 19 years of work, my experimental novel called Five Strange Languages is being published by Unnamed Press. It’s a very large, complex project in five volumes. The first one, Weak in Comparison to Dreams, is out, and there’s also a vinyl record to go with it. The second, A Short Introduction to Anneliese, is coming out this summer.

I’m posting weekly contests on social media. Anyone who can guess the hidden allusions gets a free copy. Test your literary knowledge! Here is a list of contests that are currently open. If you can identify one, email me for your copy.

Five Strange Languages is a single mega-novel. Lots more information here (scroll down).

I have uploaded 75 short videos on art theory to Youtube. These are for art students. They cover media, politics, gender, the sublime, skill, formal analysis, craft, time, narrative, Eurocentrism, style, research, the body… lots of subjects.

[Updated January 2025. Pages with information about the novel update live.]

Recent uploads: the books Pictures and Tears, Why Are Our Pictures Puzzles?, How to Use Your Eyes, and an essay on the complicity between torture and formal analysis. Another entire book free, on Academia: What is Interesting Writing in Art History? It’s on ways to write experimental art history.

The final volume in the Stone Art Theory Seminars is an attempt to assess the history and current forms of the field known as visual studies, visual culture, or visual culture studies. The three co-editors (James Elkins, Sunil Manghani, and Gustav Frank) represent different perspectives on the field: roughly speaking, the U.S., U.K., and Germany, respectively. The book is the first to seriously address German-language Bildwissenschaft, largely ignored in the Anglophone literature, and it is also the first to look at the history and prehistory of the field, going back to the period between the wars and the emergence of visuelle Kultur. The object of the book is to make thinking and writing in visual studies more difficult.

The Introduction, available as a download, describes the current state of writing about the discipline of visual studies, and puts this book in relation to Visual Literacy, Visual Cultures, Theorizing Visual Studies: Writing Through the Discipline, and Visual Studies: A Skeptical Introduction.

An excerpt of the Seminars is also available here. It is a self-contained excerpt from the book on the history of visual studies. Seminar 1, on “visuelle Kultur,” which includes a discussion of Walter Benjamin, Hugo Münsterberg, Bela Balász, and other writers before World War II, who comprise a sort of visual studies avant la lettre. The excerpt also includes Seminar 2, on Anglo-American Visual Studies, 1989-1999; it was led by Michael Holly, and includes her thoughts about the founding moments of visual studies in North America, and some of its lost promise. The excerpts conclude with a seminar on the recent history of visual studies, led by Sunil Manghani and focusing on Mieke Bal and events in the 2000’s. W.J.T. Mitchell also participates here, and discusses his own work.

Contributors to the book include Emmanuel Alloa, Nell Andrew, Linda Báez Rubí, Martin A. Berger, Hans Dam Christensen, Isabelle Decobecq, Bernhard J. Dotzler, Johanna Drucker, James Elkins, Michele Emmer, Yolaine Escande, Gustav Frank, Theodore Gracyk, Asbjørn Grønstad, Stephan Günzel, Charles W. Haxthausen, Miguel Á. Hernández-Navarro, Tom Holert, Kıvanç Kılınç, Charlotte Klonk, Tirza True Latimer, Mark Linder, Sunil Manghani, Anna Notaro, Julia Orell, Mark Reinhardt, Vanessa R. Schwartz, Bernd Stiegler, Øyvind Vågnes, Sjoukje van der Meulen, Terri Weissman, Lisa Zaher, and Marta Zarzycka.

Some participants in the Chicago seminars. Left: Lisa Cartwright. Right: Keith Moxey and Michael Ann Holly.